Connect. Learn. Advance.  New York State Association for Food Protection

About the NYSAFP

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About us

Our members represent a broad spectrum of the milk and food industries.

The New York State Association for Food Protection (NYSAFP) is a scientific organization whose Membership represents a broad spectrum of the milk and food industries, including milk cooperatives, dairy and food processing plants, regulatory agencies, colleges, food distribution companies, supply and equipment manufacturing companies, laboratories, and many others.

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Primary Objective

NYSAFP's primary objective is to create a forum where individuals can exchange information and ideas on improving and protecting the food supply.

Local Affiliates

NYSAFP supports and is supported by 8 local affiliates that hold meetings and training programs throughout NY State.

Meetings & Workshops

NYSAFP provides a calendar of meetings & workshops endorsing programs of interest to its members and affiliates.

Extensive Links

NYSAFP maintains an extensive links page of web sites related to food safety & quality.

Scholarship Program

NYSAFP offers a scholarship for undergraduate students enrolled in agriculture or food safety related academic programs.

Member Supported

NYSAFP is supported by its sustaining members that include food companies, suppliers and local affiliates. Job openings are posted on our sustaining members page.

We Value Our Membership

If you are not already, consider becoming a Member or a Sustaining Member and join us at our Annual Conference, to be held 9/9/2025 - 9/11/2025 in Saratoga Springs. At the NYSAFP Annual Conference, deserving members and affiliates are recognized with selected awards and honors. Nominations are encouraged and appreciated. NYSAFP is an Affiliate of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP).